Polish Psychological Forum

is a scientific magazine established in 1996 as Psychological Forum at the Psychology Department of at that time WSP in Bydgoszcz which was transformed into Kazimierz Wielki University. It has been published under the current name since 2001.

Since 2013 PFP has been published online four times a year in open access.

  • PFP is indexed by ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, BN, Base and Openaire
  • PFP is under evaluation by IC Journals Master List (ICV in 2023: 97.97 – archived)
  • Since 2014 each article reveives individual DOI number
  • e-ISSN: 2449-6871; ISSN 1642-1043
  • Every author of a text published in Polish Psychological Forum has a copyright according to license 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) (from 2020 /issue 2/ to 2024 /up to issue 4/). Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication from 2025 are entitled to the CC-BY 4.0 license, which allows everyone to use, distribute and reproduce in any medium, provided that the source is properly cited https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Authors retain the copyright to their works.

We would like to inform you that in the current edition of the program "Development of scientific journals", implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Polish Psychological Forum is provided with ministerial funds in 2022-2024. The grant will contribute to raising the level of the journal and implementing published articles into the international circulation of scientific research results.

Editorial board

Editor-in-Chief: Ludmiła Zając-Lamparska

Associate Editors:

Dorota Suwalska-Barancewicz
Maryia Kuzyan
Monika Deja
Magdalena Grabowska

Language editor: Katarzyna Jenek

In number 4/2024

Agnieszka Schmeichel, Monika Wiłkość-Dębczyńska: The effect of cognitive training in patients with schizophrenia compared to patients with depression

Agata Borzyszkowska: Forgiveness in psychology and its importance for human functioning in adulthood - a variety of approaches

Dorota Suwalska-Barancewicz: Dispositional life optimism and its significance for personal resilience and life satisfaction among young mothers

Maria Szymkiewicz: Sexual fantasies of women and men – an evolutionary perspective. A review of research

Beata Mańkowska: Subjective and organizational risk factors of occupational burnout among creative workers in the design industry

Kanupriya Rawat, Aleksandra Błachnio, Nibu Rkrishna: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the achievement goal Questionnaire 3x2-Sport among Polish athletes