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tom XXIX / numer 1
tom XXIX / numer 1
Maria Małycha, Dariusz Krok
The mediating role of meaning in life in the relationship between spirituality and social well-being in homeless people
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Eugenia Mandal, Tomasz Kurzeja
Prejudice against women and men – correlates, predictors and consequences for romantic relationships
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Mateusz Kozioł, Bożena Gulla
Sense of safety, coping with contemporary threats and indyvidual sensitivity
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Anna Dąbrowska, Klaudia Gębicka, Martyna Kotyśko
Emotional competence and friendship quality among students
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Karolina Spychała, Hanna Liberska
Risk assessment and risk-taking test – a tool for measuring the subjective perception of risk and the frequency of risk-taking by drivers on the road
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