Elżbieta Talik Poczucie kontrolowalności sytuacji stresowej a strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem u adolescentów

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Rocznik: 2010

Tom: XV

Numer: 1

Tytuł: Poczucie kontrolowalności sytuacji stresowej a strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem u adolescentów

Autorzy: Elżbieta Talik

PFP: 49-65



The aim of this study was to analysis relationship between coping strate­gies with stressful situations and the sense of controllability of this situation. 451 ado­lescents were investigated (278 girls and 173 boys) with Ways of Coping Questionnaire by Uchnast (1995), Sense of Controllability Scale and Survey by E. Talik. Results show that adolescents with high level of the sense of controllability more frequently choose strategies as follows: confrontive coping, problem solving and accepting re­sponsibility. There are no significant differences between adolescents with different level of the sense of controllability regarding strategies as follows: self-controlling, seeking social support, distancing and escape-avoidance. There are significant dif­ferences between boys and girls with different level of the sense of controllability regarding coping strategies.