Lidia Cierpiałkowska Efektywność psychoterapii i interwencji społecznych wobec osób nadużywających i uzależnionych od alkoholu w świetle badań

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Rocznik: 2015

Tom: XX

Numer: 4

Tytuł: Efektywność psychoterapii i interwencji społecznych wobec osób nadużywających i uzależnionych od alkoholu w świetle badań

Autorzy: Lidia Cierpiałkowska

PFP: 453-466



Treatment programs for alcohol abusers and addicts are very complex and their most important parts are psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions. The article aims at the presentation of research testing the effectiveness of therapy for alcoholics, conducted according to the evidence-based model, with a special emphasis on specific and non-specific treatment factors. It presents the place in treatment effectiveness ratings that is occupied by short-term interventions related to cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational therapy and social skills trainings. The power of verification in research on the effectiveness of therapy in alcohol abusers and addicts is relatively low, therefore it is advisable to construct further research projects that will be characterized by external and internal validity.


Key words: effectiveness of treatment alcoholics, evidence-based therapy, various therapeutic approaches