Helena Sęk, Łukasz D. Kaczmarek, Michał Ziarko, Ewelina Pietrzykowska, Joanna Lewicka Sprężystość psychiczna a dobrostan w chorobie przewlekłej – mediująca rola podmiotowego umocnienia i radzenia sobie

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Rocznik: 2012


Numer: 2

Tytuł: Sprężystość psychiczna a dobrostan w chorobie przewlekłej – mediująca rola podmiotowego umocnienia i radzenia sobie

Autorzy: Helena Sęk, Łukasz D. Kaczmarek, Michał Ziarko, Ewelina Pietrzykowska, Joanna Lewicka

PFP: 327-343



Maintaining high levels of well-being in the face of a chronic disease
requires utilization of many psychosocial resources in the coping process. The efficacy
of this process depends on using coping strategies that fit to the specificity
of a particular chronic disease. The aim of this study was to show the relationships
between well-being and coping strategies, and less studied constructs such as resiliency
and personal empowerment among people with diabetes and rheumatoid
arthritis. The study comprised 100 participants (59 with type I diabetes and 41
with rheumatoid arthritis) who completed a set of questionnaires measuring wellbeing,
strategies of coping with stress, resiliency and personal empowerment. As
expected, there was a significant indirect effect of resiliency on well-being through
mediators such as personal empowerment and disease-specific coping strategies.
The results support the significant determinants of well-being among people with
chronic diseases. They also indicated a more complex structure of the variables in
which resiliency plays a major role for the well-being by the means of coping strategies
and personal empowerment.
Key words: resiliency, personal empowerment, coping strategies, chronic disease,