Małgorzata A. Basińska, Anna Andruszkiewicz Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem zawodowym przez pielęgniarki a ich zachowania i przeżycia związane z pracą

PDF Pełen tekst

Rocznik: 2010

Tom: XV

Numer: 2

Tytuł: Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem zawodowym przez pielęgniarki a ich zachowania i przeżycia związane z pracą

Autorzy: Małgorzata A. Basińska, Anna Andruszkiewicz

PFP: 169-192



The aim of this study was to evaluate the types of individual behaviors and work related experiences within a group of nurses and to determine the rela­tionship with the strategies used to cope with stress at work. 150 nurses employed in a hospital with an average age of 40.11 were examined. Two research methods were used:

  1. Latack Coping Scale- this scale measures five strategies of coping with problems at work, i.e. avoidance-withdrawal, positive thinking, direct action, seeking help and use of alcohol.
  2. Behavior Pattern Questionnaire and Work-Related Experience AVEM-Schaarschmidt and Fischer, which describes the eleven manifestations of functioning at work which, in turn, allow a worker to be qualified under one of the four types of work behaviors: Type G - Healthy, type S - Savings, type A - Risk (excessively burdened) and type B - Burned out.

The following results were obtained: The Latack scale is a reliable tool for testing work related stress coping strategies within a group of Polish nurses in the domain of the four main strategies: avoidance/resignation, positive thinking, direct action, seek­ing help. However, the scale of use of alcohol seems to be of little diagnostic utility and therefore the legitimacy of its inclusion in the Polish version of this method should be considered. In the field of behavior and work related experiences the studied nurs­es differed only in the intensity of the feeling of profession success and did not differ in the applied coping strategies depending on the type of branch in which they serve. The examined nurses differed in behavior and work related experiences because of the frequency of use of certain work related stress coping strategies.