Justyna Michałek, Teresa Rostowska: Percepcja relacji rodzinnych a cechy temperamentu u młodzieży z rodzin migracyjnych

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Rocznik: 2014

Tom: XIX

Numer: 1

Tytuł: Percepcja relacji rodzinnych a cechy temperamentu u młodzieży z rodzin migracyjnych

Autorzy: Justyna Michałek, Teresa Rostowska:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.14656/PFP20140104


The aim of this paper is to analyse the differences between perceived family relationships by adolescents from migrant and nonmigrant families and their temperamental traits. In the study 152 adolescents participated, aged 18 years, who formed two groups: criterial and control group in each of them were 46 girls and 30 boys. The following measures were used in the study: Family Relationship Questionnaire (KRR) (Plopa, Połomski, 2008), Buss and Plomin EAS Temperament Questionnaire (Polish adaptation, Oniszczenko, 1997), interview questionnaire prepared by authors to collect demographic data and information about parent’s migration. The results of the study showed that girls from migrant families declare higher levels of sociability and fear, while the boys from families of this type are characterized by higher levels of anger. Moreover, results showed gender differences in perception of family relationships. It was found that girls from families with migrating father perceive a higher level of family communication, cohesion and family identity compared with boys from such families. The above results are not observed in the control group.