Instructions for Authors

Aim and Fields of Interests

Providing and disseminating high-quality original articles and reviews in Poland and abroad by recognized, experience do researchers involved in theoretical analysis and research in many subdisciplines of psychology, including human development, education, socialpsychology, management psychology, health and illness, neuropsychology, psychological research methodology, and others. Creating opportunities for young, talented scientists, including students, to publish research results and improve their scientifics kills through expert reviewer opinions. Polish Psychological Forum is open to interdisciplinary discussion. We entourage researchers of different nationalities and international teams to publish in order to increase scientific cooperation and eliminate boundaries in science.


Polskie Forum Psychologiczne/Polish Psychological Forum published articles in Polishor in English.


The process of submitting the application and preparing the text for printing is carried out electronically. The Authors Are Requested to create account PFP and read the instruction concerning the use of control panel for application procedure, reviewing and monitoring of the manuscript by the Authors. After Application, all Co-Authors Will be informed by email to the indicated e-mail address – failure to respond to the e-mail will be treated as confirmation of the lack of a conflict of interests.
The journal does not charge fees for processing, reviewing and publishing papers.


Submitted Papers Are Peer Reviewed by two Reviewers (in special cases a third Reviewers called) and qualified for publication individually. In the reviewing process a rule of ‘double blind’ review has been adopted, however both the Authors and/or Reviewers can design from this rule on the basis of a written statement. In case the Author’names disclosed, the Reviewers Obliged to declare in e-mail sent to that there is no conflict of interests with the Author (e.g. personal relationship, subordination, current collaboration etc.). The list of cooperating Reviewersis published once a year on the magazine website under the “Scientific Board” tab. The review form is available from the magazine website under the “Instructions for Authors” tab.

Publication Policy 

On submitting materials to the Editors the Authors declare that the work has not been published elsewhere and the application for publication is not being considered in other magazines. Please provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the hint of text-recycling (‘self-plagiarism’). A single study should not be split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions and submitted to various journals to one journal overtime (e.g.‘salami publishing’). Manuscripts are checked by an anti-plagiarism system. In the event of using someone else's works in the text (e.g. illustrations or photographs), the authors of the articles are solely responsible for observing the copyright in relation to the submitted lustration material.

PFP provides Readers with easy, permanent and free access to scientific publications along with their metadata. Using the content posted on the journal's website does not require creating an account. Articles are delivered as PDF files.

Copyrights and Sharing

Articles on the PFP websites are published in an open access model, which means that the are available free of charge to anyone interested under the Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0). 
According to the author's agreement, the authors of the texts grant the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz a non-exclusive and free license and allow the use of the Creative Commons-license (CC BY) allowing copying and distribution of the work in any medium and format provided that the authorship acknowledged. The authors thusretain the right to further and freely dispose of their work.
Papers published in the journal until the end of 2024 are available under the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND) (attribution - non-commercial - no derivative works).
More information about the license: License content:
Authors retain the copyright to their works.
Every article posted on the PFP website also receives a free DOI identifier.

Ethical Principles

Polish Psychological Forum is committed to upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and American Psychological Association (APA), that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements. All articles should present clearly and concisely the matter related to the research subject. The Editors will turn down the workcontaining openly discriminating and unethical content as well as promoting unprofessional practices. Also manuscripts, which are not corresponding to “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” (APA), will not be published at Polskie Forum Psychologiczne/ Polish Psychological Forum. 

 Manuscript requirements

  1. The article should not exceed 40 000 signs with spaces including references, quoted literature, tables, figures and attachments. The Editors may exempt from this rule, for example in case of article involving a series of research. Reports, critiques, commentaries and politics should not exceed 10 000 signs with spaces.
  2. The text should be written in MS Word, 12 point font, double-spaced. Tables and figures (prepared according to APA standards) must be placed in the right position within the text (not separately).  All pages must be numbered and include a header containing the title or its key content.
  3. A separate file should include a summary in English (maximum 150 words) and key words (maximum 5 words), names and affiliations of the Authors (do not give titles and/ or position), their e-mail addresses, ORCID numbers and notes from the Authors. The same guidelines apply to summary in Polish. The summary of empirical papers should include essential information about the present study: itsaim, the research group, research tools, main results, and conclusions. Such a summary structure is not required for theoretical review manuscripts, polemics.
  4. The notes from the Authors (of appropriate references in the maintext) must contain information concerning the contribution (with percentage) of particular Authors in preparing the publication (e.g. whois the Author of the concept, assumptions, research methodology, data collection and analysis etc.) as well as acknowledgement informing about financing sources and help from a specialized entity (legalornatural person). The Editors ask the Authors of empirical studies to provide basic information about the Ethics Committee: affiliation, approval number of the Ethics Committee along with the date of issuing this decision.
  5. We apply commonly accepted in psychological literature rules of text formatting as set down in the guidelines in the current issue of American Psychological Association Manual ( From 2025, we ask you to submit manuscripts in accordance with APA 7. These rules abide in the leading magazines and psychological course books.
  6. Provide the names of the statistical tests used and specify the significance level and all necessary parameters (depending on the technique used.
    Specify exact p-values to three decimal places; for values less than 0.001, the notation p < 0.001 is used.
    (Additional information: for English text (a) in the notation of decimal fractions do not use commas, but dots; (b) use zero before the dot only in a fraction that could potentially exceed 1; in contrast, according to Polish tradition: (a) commas, not periods, are used in writing decimal fractions; (b) zero before a comma in a fraction is used even when it could potentially not exceed 1)
    Correlations, proportions and statistical inference test statistics, such as t, F and χ2, should be rounded to two decimal places. On the other hand, means and standard deviations of group scores obtained on total scales (containing a closed set of total values, such as 1 to 5, as in most questionnaires) should be rounded to one decimal place. Other averages and standard deviations (e.g., reaction time expressed in ms, values of various physiological measurements) should be reported to two decimal places.

    g. References within the text should containfirst the surname of the Author(s), year of publishing and pages in case of quotations e.g. (Smith, Jankowski, 2006, p. 16). Chronological order of the publications should be used in references. If there are more than three Authors of a given publication the references should be limited to the surname of the first Author onlye.g. (Stevenson et al., 2009). The bibliography quoted in the text should be prepared according to the same single layout. If the articles in English, all titles in References section should be translated into English. Particular positions should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text according to the following examples:

Oleszkowicz, A., &Senejko, A. (2011). Dorastanie [Adolescence]. In J. Trempała (Ed.), Psychologia rozwoju człowieka [Psychology of human development] (pp. 259–286). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Cheng, J., Zhao, Y. Y., Wang, J., & Sun, Y. H. (2019). Academic burnout and depression of Chinese medical students in the pre-clinical years: the buffering hypothesis of resilience and social support. Psychology Health & Medicine, 25(9), 1094–1105. 

Rostowska, T. (2008). Małżeństwo, rodzina, praca a jakość życia [Marriage, family, work and the quality of life]. Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.

Zeigler-Hill, V., & Marcus, D. K. (Eds.). (2016). The darkside of personality: Science and practice in social, personality, and clinical psychology. American Psychological Association. 

The quoted bibliography must be complete and compliant with the rules. Otherwise the submitted materials will be sent back for completion.

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