Dorota Niewiedział Formalne i treściowe aspekty pojęcia aktywności ludzi starych

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Rocznik: 2008


Numer: 2

Tytuł: Formalne i treściowe aspekty pojęcia aktywności ludzi starych

Autorzy: Dorota Niewiedział

PFP: 96-105



Article shows that activity of individual in the last stage of life has a lot
of meanings. Trying to understand this idea, theoretical areas were indicated. In this
areas, activity of old people was shown in different ways. In literature, activity is
treated as a development factor or indicator (Lerner & Hultsch, 1983). In theoretical
perspective of a subjective human development, activity of old people is a goal of
development (humanistic theories) and it is a context of development (spiritual development)
(Gałdowa, 2000; Pietrasiński,1990). In some cases, activity of old people
is treated as an effect of development (competence theory, social role theory, old age
subculture theory) (Peterson i Rose, 1965; Worach-Kardas,1983; Baltes & Wilms,1995;
Synak, 2000, 2003). Article includes empirical research of authors about old people
activity, its forms and types.