Alina Kałużna-Wielobób Obraz marzeń a kryzys połowy życia u kobiet

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Rocznik: 2009

Tom: XIV

Numer: 2

Tytuł: Obraz marzeń a kryzys połowy życia u kobiet

Autorzy: Alina Kałużna-Wielobób

PFP: 233-248



Results of research, which will be referred in the article, refers to the
picture of youthful and current dreams of middle-aged women and relationships
between: the sense of fulfillment of dreams from the 16-24 age period, possession
of current dreams and intensification of mid-life crisis. The research problem was formulated
based on the Levinson theory (Levinson et al., 1978, 1996). In research,
on the ground of literature, were formulated hypotheses of connections between the
picture of dreams with the intensification of the midlife crisis. The following methods
were used: the structured interview concerning dreams (Kałużna, 2005), The Midlife
Crisis Questionnaire (version for women by Oleś and Baranowska, 2003). In research
participated women aged 35-50 with the secondary education and higher. Results:
realizing youthful dreams by middle-aged women correlates negatively with the result
of Midlifecrisis Questionnaire. This means, that the women, who have the feeling
of having realized their youthful dreams experience a lesser intensification of mid-life
crisis, and specifically a lesser intensification of its negative components. Women,
whose youth dreams had autonomic source, in mid-life have lesser intensification
of mid-life crisis.
That women, whose actual dreams are limited to satisfying basic needs, have biggest
tendency to negative estimation of life.