Camilla Pagani Education against violence: a research project

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Rocznik: 2024


Numer: 3

Tytuł: Education against violence: a research project

Autorzy: Camilla Pagani

PFP: 278-292



This paper presents the main theoretical elements of a 30-year research project on human violence, with a special emphasis on the role of education in preventing and counterveiling violence itself. Conducted at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the project was initially inspired and led by Prof. Francesco Robustelli. During his direction, and continuing after his passing, when I took over the direction of the project itself, the research evolved along multiple lines while remaining grounded on some core principles: the role of competitive life patterns in human societies, a comprehensive definition of violence, the fundamental role of education, and a broad definition of diversity.

Keywords: Competitive life patterns, education, diversity, pupils’ attitudes towards cultural diversity