Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez Educational perspective of aggressiveness and violence at early stages of development

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Rocznik: 2024


Numer: 3

Tytuł: Educational perspective of aggressiveness and violence at early stages of development

Autorzy: Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez

PFP: 293-302



Aggressive and violent behaviors are at the forefront of the causes of adolescent mortality worldwide. This is a problem of great magnitude that, although it does not necessarily result in death, has a significant impact on health, social, educational, and legal systems. In this work, after reviewing different conceptions of aggressiveness and violence, theoretical and empirical knowledge is integrated into the educational approach of aggressive and violent behavior in adolescence. Specifically, from an initiated line of research, a differentiation between premeditated and impulsive aggressiveness is established, with the plural objective of better understanding these polymorphous behaviors, neutralizing as much as possible the risk factors, establishing the appropriate pedagogical measures once they are detected and promoting personal development and coexistence. 

Keywords: aggressiveness, human development, education, prevention, violence