Alicja Malina Osobowość młodych dorosłych a podejmowanie zadań rozwojowych związanych z rodziną

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Rocznik: 2015

Tom: XX

Numer: 4

Tytuł: Osobowość młodych dorosłych a podejmowanie zadań rozwojowych związanych z rodziną

Autorzy: Alicja Malina

PFP: 559-572



Sustainability of the modern family is seriously threatened by the large
variety of ways of conducting roles and tasks associated with adult life – especially
family life. The relationship of personality characteristics and taking up the role of
a spouse and a parent is not very well known.
The aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis concerning the differences
between young adults taking up developmental tasks such as being a spouse and
a parent in terms of personality characteristics.
The study included a total number of 620 respondents. As potentially differentiating
young adults performing these tasks such features were taken under consideration:
personality traits of the Big Five measured by the NEO-FFI Costa and McCrea in
the adaptation of Zawadzki, Strelau, Szczepaniak and Śliwińska (1998), the level
of self-esteem (SES Scale by Rosenberg – adaptation by Dzwonkowski, Lachowicz-
-Tabaczek and Łaguna (2001)), and locus of control (diagnosed using IE Scale at
work (1990) by Gliszczyńska).
The carried out analysis showed the existence of significant differences in openness
to experience, conscientiousness and self-esteem between the compared subgroups
of young adults pursuing and not pursuing developmental tasks connected with
family life.
Key words: developmental tasks, marriage, parenthood, early adulthood, personality