Monika Guszkowska, Paulina Bernatek Zmiany stanów emocjonalnych u kobiet ciężarnych po jednorazowych ćwiczeniach fizycznych

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Rocznik: 2010

Tom: XV

Numer: 1

Tytuł: Zmiany stanów emocjonalnych u kobiet ciężarnych po jednorazowych ćwiczeniach fizycznych

Autorzy: Monika Guszkowska, Paulina Bernatek

PFP: 14-24



The aim of the study was to define the changes in emotional states after single session of exercise in pregnant women and to establish their personality de­terminants. There were 38 pregnant women aged 20-35 participating in special exercise program included in the research. Standard psychological questionnaires (STA1, POMS, NEO--FF1) were used. Emotional states were measured immediately before the physical effort and after the exercise. Research data revealed that one-time physical exercise resulted in improvement of all measured emotional states, especially in decline of state-anxiety and tension. Person­ality traits can predict the size of emotional states changes; trait-anxiety is their the most powerful determinant. Physical exercise may be an effective mean of improving psychological well-being in pregnant women.