Hanna Liberska Poczucie sensu życia młodzieży a jej koncepcje przyszłości osobistej

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Rocznik: 2013


Numer: 3

Tytuł: Poczucie sensu życia młodzieży a jej koncepcje przyszłości osobistej

Autorzy: Hanna Liberska

PFP: 303-318



The needs of individual to find meaning in his own life and to build
own future conception are considered as important regulators of youth activity.
This is a thesis accepted in psychological literature (Tyszkowa, 1990). Their realization
is not only provided a positive transition of a youth to adulthood but also
sets the framework for their further development. The article presents the results
of research on the relation between sense of meaning in life and personal future
conceptions built by modern young people. The results indicate that a relatively
strong sense of meaning in life is characteristic for these adolescents, which created
the conceptions of life with a high level of structuration.
Key words: sense of meaning in life, the conception of the future, adolescents