Beata Basińska Emocje w  miejscu pracy w  zawodach podwyższonego ryzyka psychospołecznego

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Rocznik: 2013


Numer: 1

Tytuł: Emocje w  miejscu pracy w  zawodach podwyższonego ryzyka psychospołecznego

Autorzy: Beata Basińska




Psychosocial threats at work are one of the big challenges for the management of occupational health (WHO, 2008). The aim of this study was to assess the emotional balance and positivity ratio in the work of uniformed officers and identify differences between these formations. The study involved 218 policemen, firemen and probation personnel. Work-related Affective Well-being Scale was used (Van Katwyk, et al., 2000). Eustress and distress in the work context were relatively independent. Emotions of the opposite sign and low activity were moderately correlated. The officers usually experienced positive work-related emotional balance, with a predominance positive emotions of low activity. The positive ratio was low and reached 1,13. Positive affect was usually present in the work of firemen, while negative affect were often present in the work of policemen. It is probably due to different organization of working time and the emotional dissonance in the professional interpersonal relationships context.
Key words: positive affect, negative affect, uniformed officers, psychosocial risks, positivity ratio