Paweł Izdebski, Agata Górska, Anna Szymanik Agresywność i kontrola emocjonalna użytkowników azjatyckich gier sieciowych MMORPG

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Rocznik: 2012


Numer: 2

Tytuł: Agresywność i kontrola emocjonalna użytkowników azjatyckich gier sieciowych MMORPG

Autorzy: Paweł Izdebski, Agata Górska, Anna Szymanik

PFP: 381-394



Using MMORPG computer games, in which users’ strong commitment
to the game is connected with the influence of the rules prevailing in the virtual
world, can lead to the users’ aggresive reactions, establishing them and transferring
into the real world through modification of cognitive constructs as well as changes
in the assessment of the situation and the response choices. Studies conducted on a
group of 32 people playing MMORPG of Japanese production shows, that players
compared with the control group are more aggressive verbally, often reveal anger
as well as it is harder for them to suppress it, easier enter into the emotogenic
situations, it is harder for them to control their behavior and they are often guided
by affection in it.
Słowa kluczowe: agresja, agresywność, gniew, kontrola emocjonalna, gry
komputerowe, gry sieciowe, MMORPG
Keywords: agression, aggressiveness, anger, emotional control, computer games,
online games, MMORPG