Anita Markowska, Marta Tomaszewska, Alina Borkowska Aktywność mózgu podczas wykonywania testu Stroopa u osób z depresją w przebiegu choroby afektywnej jedno- i dwubiegunowej – przegląd wyników badań neuroobrazowych

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Rocznik: 2012


Numer: 2

Tytuł: Aktywność mózgu podczas wykonywania testu Stroopa u osób z depresją w przebiegu choroby afektywnej jedno- i dwubiegunowej – przegląd wyników badań neuroobrazowych

Autorzy: Anita Markowska, Marta Tomaszewska, Alina Borkowska

PFP: 260-275



The article is a review of neuroimaging studies performed during the
Stroop paradigm based tasks among individuals suffering from unipolar and
bipolar depression. The aim of the article is to highlight the validity od Stroop
paradigm in neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric diagnosis of depressin, used
as a tool for assessing cognitive functioning, but also claryfying the etiopathology
of depressive disorders.
The first of the article is a review of previous reports, describing resting brain
activity abnormalities in affective disorders called neurocorrelates of depression.
Then the most common cognitive dysfunctions represented by unipolar and
bipolar patents will be discussed brefly and the impact of these dysfuctionts on
Stroop test performance. In the last two parts of the article you can find a review of
neuroimaging studies during Stroop task performance among healthy individuals
and also the comparisons of brain activity during the Stroop interference effect in
the group of healthy and depressive subjects.
Different brain activity during stroop task among patients suffering from depression
comaring with healthy individuals and some differences in brain pattern during
the same cognitive task among unipolar and bipolar individuals may indicate the
validity of Stroop test in neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric diagnosis.
Key words: Stroop test