Aleksandra Łuczak Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem zawodowym stosowane przez kierowców samochodów ciężarowych

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Rocznik: 2012


Numer: 1

Tytuł: Strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem zawodowym stosowane przez kierowców samochodów ciężarowych

Autorzy: Aleksandra Łuczak

PFP: 137-154



The aim of this work was to investigate which strategies for coping with stress are chosen the most often by truck drivers. The purpose of this research was also to define the relation between perceived stress and stress management strate­gies used in this professional group. The study involved a group of 120 lorry drivers aged from 22 to 67 years. The driv­ers were examined with the Questionnaire for Subjective Evaluation of Work by Bohdan Dudek et al. (1999) and the Mini-COPE Questionnaire which is the short­ened Polish version of the Charles Carver and his colleagues' COPE Questionnaire in polish adaptation of Siegfried Juczyhski and Nina Oginska-Bulik (2009). Drivers choose the most often search for instrumental support-strategy. The stron­gest positive correlation occurred between the overall levels of stress and taking psychoactive substances strategy. The strongest negative correlation occurred be­tween the overall level of stress and planning strategy. The overall level of occupa­tional stress tested drivers significantly correlated with all chosen coping strategies. Key words: lorry drivers, work stress, coping with work stress, strategies for stress management.